Benchmarking Protocol Buffers, JSON and XML in Go
In my post Building High Performance APIs In Go Using gRPC And Protocol Buffers, I have written a simple API in gRPC with Protocol Buffers version 3 as the wire format. In this brief post, I benchmark the performance of Protocol Buffers 3, JSON and XML for both marshaling and unmarshaling.
Herer’s the benchmark tests written in Go:
Here’s the output of benchmark tests:

The output shows that Protocol Buffers outperforms JSON and XML in both marshaling and unmarshaling. The result shows the following numbers:
- Protocol Buffers Marshal: 819 ns/op
- Protocol Buffers Unmarshal: 1163 ns/op
- JSON Marshal: 3316 ns/op
- JSON Unmarshal: 7196 ns/op
- XML Marshal: 9248 ns/op
- XML Unmarshal: 30485 ns/op
The simple bechmark tests indeed show that Protocol Buffers is a great choice over JSON and XML with REST, when you build massively scalable APIs with gRPC.
You can follow me on twitter at @shijucv. I do provide training and consulting on Go programming language (Golang) and distributed systems architectures, in India.